Englishدر شهر

نخست وزیر پیام داد

جمعه شب در مهمانی انجمن رسانه های قومی کانادا که به مناسبت روز ملی کانادا برگزار شده بود، پیام آقای استفان هارپر؛ نخست وزیر کانادا خوانده شد.


Message from the Prime Minister

OFFICIAL-8x10aI am delighted to extend my warmest personal greetings to everyone attending the National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada (NEPMCC) dinner to celebrate Canada Day and Independence Day.

Our national holiday is an important occasion to reflect upon the values that have shaped Canada’s success. Among the most important of these is our commitment to pluralism. Canada draws tremendous strength from our rich cultural diversity.

For decades, NEPMCC has contributed to shaping Canada’s pluralistic values by promoting diversity and integrity in our national media. Your membership should take great pride in their efforts to ensure that all communities across the country have a strong and distinct voice. I offer my warmest thanks for your dedication to building a prosperous and cohesive society.

On behalf of the Government of Canada, I extend my best wishes for a memorable Canada Day and Independence Day commemoration.

The Rt. Hon. Stephen Harper, P.C., M.P.
Prime Minister of Canada

NEPMCC -- Canada Day-Independence Day Dinner - July 4 2014

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